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Спортивные напитки: научный обзор

195 байт добавлено, 7 лет назад
/* Характеристики официально рекомендованных УЭН (Австралийский Институт Спорта, Американский Колледж Спортивной Медицины и Американск…
Инновационные «системы контроля гидратации» (подразделение Инноваций и Дизайна компании-производителя спортивных напитков «Gatorade», руководитель - Ксави Кортаделлас, 2016) – «hydration tracking system» (HTS). Подразделение Инноваций и Дизайна компании «Gatorade» три года работало с командами элитных спортсменов, развивая «систему слежения за уровнем гидратации спортсменов» (HTS) в процессе назначения необходимых нутриентов для успешного восстановления. Эта система, названая «Gatorade Gx system» (рис.10) включает «умную» крышку с сенсорными датчиками жидкостного слежения, сменные капсулы-бочонки с концентратом разных напитков компании «Gatorade» для персонализированной гидратации и цифровой датчик выделения пота, который обеспечивает слежение за реальным временем гидратации. В настоящее время эта экосистема используется в основном в ряде профессиональных команд, но «Gatorade» планирует в дальнейшем коммерциализировать упрощенный вариант в начале 2017 года и предложить его широкому спектру лиц, ведущих активный образ жизни. В
целом, технический отдел компании «Gatorade» нацелен на персонализацию как подбора нутриентов, так и систем их доставки. Каждый спортсмен, особенно в спорте высших достижений, рассматривается как уникальное явление, требующее отдельного подхода. Компания развивает методики и оборудование для оценки индивидуальных возможностей и потребностей, процесса потоотделения и дегидратации в ходе тренировок. На этих данных составляются индивидуальные карта и рекомендации. Подбирается формула питания, пищевых добавок, растворов для регидратации (с учетом гидратационного индекса конкретного напитков – новый показатель, рассчитываемый на основе данных о потреблении и выделении жидкости из организма за определенный фиксированный период времени). Развитию этих методик способствует новая технология «smart cap technology (SCT)», которая отслеживает количество потребляемой спортсменом жидкости и подсказывает ему достаточно или нет он выпил, и корректировать этот объем в реальном времени. Правильной оценке параметров потребления жидкости способствует специальная цифровая платформа, разработанная инженерами компании.
[[Image:Ris_10_sportivnye_napitki.jpg|250px|thumb|right|Рис.10. Инновационные «системы контроля гидратации» (подразделение Инноваций и Дизайна компании-производителя спортивных напитков «Gatorade»). Система учета потребления напитков и текущего уровня гидратации спортсменов в реальном времени.]]
== Ссылки ==
*Adams W., Bratt D.E. Young coconut water for home rehydration in children with mild gastroenteritis. Trop. Geogr. Med., 1992, 44(1-2):149-153.*Armstrong L., Casa D., Millard-Stafford M. et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand: Exertional heat illness during training and competition. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 2007, 39(3):556-572.*Bergeron M.F. Heat cramps during tennis: a case report. Int.J.Sport Nutr.,1996, 6: 62 - 68.*Bergeron M.F. Heat cramps: Fluid and electrolyte challenges during tennis in the heat, J. Science Med. Sport, 2003, (1):19-27.*Bergeron M.F. Muscle Cramps during Exercise V Is It Fatigue or Electrolyte Deficit? Current Sports Medicine Reports, American College of Sports Medicine, 2008, 7(4): S50-S55. *Binkley H., Beckett J., Casa D. et al. National Athletic Trainers’ Association position statement: exertional heat illnesses . J Athl.Train., 2002, 37: 329 - 343.*Bonati M., Latini R., Galletti F. et al. Caffeine disposition after oral doses. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1982, 32:98–106.*Broughton D., Fairchild R.M., Morgan M. Z. A survey of sports drinks consumption among adolescents. British Dental Journal, 2016, 220, 639 – 643.*Burdon C.A., Hoon M.W., Johnson N.A. et al. The effect of ice slushy ingestion and mouthwash on thermoregulation and endurance performance in the heat. Intern.J.Sport Nutr.Exer. Metab., 2013, 23, 458–469.*Burke L.M., Hawley J.A., Wong S.H., Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrates for training and competition. J. Sports Sci., 2011, 8:1-11.Рис*Campbell B., Wilborn C., La Bounty Р. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: energy drinks. Intern. Soc.Sports Nutr., 2013, 10:1-17*Chavalittamrong B., Pidatcha P., Thavisri U. Electrolytes, sugar, calories, osmolarity and pH of beverages and coconut water. Southeast Asian J.Trop. Med. Инновационные «системы контроля гидратации» Public Health, 1982, 13(подразделение Инноваций и Дизайна компании3):427-431.*Cheuvront S.N., Sawka M.N. Hydration Assessment of Athletes. Sports Science Exchange 97, 2005, 18(2): 1-12.*Coyle E.F., Coggan A.R., Hemmert M.K., Ivy J.L. Muscle glycogen utilization during prolonged strenuous exercise when fed carbohydrate. J. Appl. Physiol., 1986, 61:165–172.*Dikic N., Vesic M.V. Hydration assessment of basketball teams participants of U20 European Championship Men 2011, pp.80.*Favano A., Santos-Silva P.R., Nakano E.Y. et al. Peptide glutamine supplementation for tolerance of intermittent exercise in soccer players. Clinics, 2008, 63:27-32.*Fisher-Wellman K., Bloomer R.J. Acute exercise and oxidative stress: a 30 year history. Dyn. Med., 2009, 8:1.*Fowkes G., Bartolozzi A., Peduzzi C. et al. A comparison of blood measures while NFL players are experiencing EAMC and after IV treatment when EAMC are alleviated. J.Athl.Train., 2008, 43:S61.*Froiland K., Koszewski W., Hingst J., Kopecky L. Nutritional supplement use among college athletes and their sources of information. Int. J. Sport Nutr.Exerc. Metab., 2004, 14:104–120.*Gleeson M., Nieman D.C., Pedersen B.K. Exercise, nutrition and immune function. J. Sports Sci. 2004, 22: 115-производителя спортивных напитков «Gatorade»125*Goldstein E.R., Ziegenfuss T., Kalman D. et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2010, 7:5.*Goulet E.D., Rousseau S.F., Lamboley C.R. et al. Pre-exercise hyperhydration delays dehydration and improves endurance capacity during 2 h of cycling in a temperate climate. J.Physiol.Anthropol., 2008, 27(5): 263-271.*Graham T.E., Hibbert E., Sathasivam P. Metabolic and exercise endurance effects of coffee and caffeine ingestion. J. Appl. Physiol., 1998, 85:883–889.*Green J.M. Gender Differences in sweat lactate. Catalogue de documents pour le cherchuer, 2000, 82 (3): 230-235.*Greenleaf J.E. Problem: thirst, drinking behavior, and involuntary dehydration. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 1992, 24: 645-656.*Hazelhurst L.T. Gender differences in the sweat response during spinning exercise. J. Strength Cond. Res., 2006, 20(3): 723-724.*Hoffman J.R. Caffeine and Energy Drinks. Strength Cond. J., 2010, 32:15–20.*Hoffman J.R., Faigenbaum A.D., Ratamess N.A. et al. Nutritional supplementation and anabolic steroid use in adolescents. Med Sci. Sports Exerc., 2008, 40:15–24.*Hoffman J.R., Stavsky H., Falk B. The effect of water restriction on anaerobic power and vertical jumping height in basketball players. Int. J. Sports Med. 1995, 16:214-218.*Hoffman J.R., Ratamess N.A., Kang J. et al. Examination of the efficacy of acute L-alanyl-L-glutamine ingestion during hydration stress in endurance exercise. J.Intern.Soc.Sports Nutrition. 2010, 7:8-20.*Hoffman J.R., Ratamess N.A., Kang J. et al. Acute L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine ingestion during short duration, high intensity exercise and a mild hydration stress. Kinesiology, 2011, 43(2):125-136.*Hoffman J.R., Williams D.R., Emerson N.S. et al. L-alanyl-L-glutamine ingestion maintains performance during a competitive basketball game. J.Intern.Soc.Sports Nutrition. 2012, 9:4 *Hoffman M.D., Fogard K. Factors related to successful completion of a 161-km ultramarathon. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform. 2011, 6:25–37.*Hue O., Monjo R., Lazzaro M. et al. The effect of time of day on cold water ingestion by high-level swimmers in a tropical climate. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2013, 8, 442–451.*Ihsan M., Landers G., Brearley M., Peeling P. Beneficial effects of ice ingestion as a precooling strategy on 40-km cycling time-trial performance. Intern.J. Sports Physiol. Perform., 2010, 5,140–151.*Jeukendrup A., Brouns F., Wagenmakers A.J., Saris W.H. Carbohydrate-electrolyte feedings improve 1 h time trial cycling performance. Int. J. Sports Med., 1997, 18:125–129.*Jeukendrup A.E., Jentjens R. Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Med., 2000, 29:407–424.*Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrate intake during exercise and performance. Nutrition, 2004, 20:669–677.*Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrate and exercise performance: the role of multiple transportable carbohydrates. Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr. Metab. Care, 2010, 13(4): 452-457.*Kerksick C., Harvey T., Stout J. et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2008, 5:17.*Khorshidi-Hosseini M., Nakhostin-Roohi В. Effect of Glutamine and Maltodextrin Acute Supplementation on Anaerobic Power. Asian J.Sports Medicine, 2013, 4 (2): 131-136*Kovacs E.M., Stegen J., Brouns F. Effect of caffeinated drinks on substrate metabolism, caffeine excretion, and performance. J. Appl. Physiol., 1998, 85:709–715.*Kreider R.B., Wilborn C.D., Taylor L. et al. ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2010, 7:7.*Kuberski T., Roberts A., Linehan B., Bryden R.N., Teburae M. Coconut water as a rehydration fluid. N. Z. Med. J., 1979, 90(641):98-100.*Lane S.C., Bird S.R., Burke L.M., Hawley J.A. Effect of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on simulated cycling time-trial performance commenced in a fed or fasted state. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 2013, 38:134-139.*Lili L., Kunz R. Revolutionary Carbohydrate Gives Endurance Athletes a Competitive Advantage. 1st Endurance, 2014. *Machado-Moreira Ch.A., Vimieiro-Gomes A.C. et al. Exercise fluid replacement: is thirst enough? Rev.Bras.Med.Esporte, 2006,12,6.*Mantena S.K., Badduri S.R., Siripurapu K.B., Unnikrishnan M.K. In vitro evaluation of antioxidant properties of Cocos nucifera Linn. water. Nahrung, 2003, 47(2):126-131.*Maughan R.J., Leiper J.B. Post-exercise rehydration in man: effects of voluntary intake of four different beverages. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 1993, 25:34-35.*Maughan R.J., Leiper J.B. Limitations to fluid replacement during exercise. Can. J. Appl. Physiol., 1999, 24:173–187.*Maughan R.J. et al. Fluid and Electrolyte Intake and Loss in Elite Soccer Players During Training. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab., 2004, 14(3): 333-346.*Maughan R.J. et al. A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index. Amer.J.Clin.Nutr., 2015,103:717–723.*Maurer J. Sports Beverages. American Dietetic Association. 2005.*McGregor S.J., Nicholas C.W., Lakomy H.W., Williams C. The influence of intermittent high-intensity shuttle running and fluid ingestion on the performance of a football skill. J.Sports Sci., 1999, 17(11): 895-903.*McLellan T.M., Bell D.G. The impact of prior coffee consumption on the subsequent ergogenic effect of anhydrous caffeine. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc.Metab., 2004, 14:698–708.*Mears S. A., Shirreffs S. M. 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Ссылки[[КатегорияAdams W., Bratt D.E. Young coconut water for home rehydration in children with mild gastroenteritis. Trop. Geogr. Med., 1992, 44(1-2):149-153.Armstrong L., Casa D., Millard-Stafford M. et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand: Exertional heat illness during training and competition. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 2007, 39(3):556-572.Bergeron M.F. Heat cramps during tennis: a case report. Int.J.Sport Nutr.,1996, 6: 62 - 68.Bergeron M.F. Heat cramps: Fluid and electrolyte challenges during tennis in the heat, J. Science Med. Sport, 2003, (1):19-27.Bergeron M.F. Muscle Cramps during Exercise V Is It Fatigue or Electrolyte Deficit? Current Sports Medicine Reports, American College of Sports Medicine, 2008, 7(4): S50-S55. Binkley H., Beckett J., Casa D. et al. National Athletic Trainers’ Association position statement: exertional heat illnesses . J Athl.Train., 2002, 37: 329 - 343.Bonati M., Latini R., Galletti F. et al. Caffeine disposition after oral doses. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1982, 32:98–106.Broughton D., Fairchild R.M., Morgan M. Z. A survey of sports drinks consumption among adolescents. British Dental Journal, 2016, 220, 639 – 643.Burdon C.A., Hoon M.W., Johnson N.A. et al. The effect of ice slushy ingestion and mouthwash on thermoregulation and endurance performance in the heat. Intern.J.Sport Nutr.Exer. Metab., 2013, 23, 458–469.Burke L.M., Hawley J.A., Wong S.H., Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrates for training and competition. J. Sports Sci., 2011, 8:1-11.Campbell B., Wilborn C., La Bounty Р. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: energy drinks. Intern. Soc.Sports Nutr., 2013, 10:1-17Chavalittamrong B., Pidatcha P., Thavisri U. Electrolytes, sugar, calories, osmolarity and pH of beverages and coconut water. Southeast Asian J.Trop. Med. Public Health, 1982, 13(3):427-431.Cheuvront S.N., Sawka M.N. Hydration Assessment of Athletes. Sports Science Exchange 97, 2005, 18(2): 1-12.Coyle E.F., Coggan A.R., Hemmert M.K., Ivy J.L. Muscle glycogen utilization during prolonged strenuous exercise when fed carbohydrate. J. Appl. Physiol., 1986, 61:165–172.Dikic N., Vesic M.V. Hydration assessment of basketball teams participants of U20 European Championship Men 2011, pp.80.Favano A., Santos-Silva P.R., Nakano E.Y. et al. Peptide glutamine supplementation for tolerance of intermittent exercise in soccer players. Clinics, 2008, 63:27-32.Fisher-Wellman K., Bloomer R.J. Acute exercise and oxidative stress: a 30 year history. Dyn. Med., 2009, 8:1.Fowkes G., Bartolozzi A., Peduzzi C. et al. A comparison of blood measures while NFL players are experiencing EAMC and after IV treatment when EAMC are alleviated. J.Athl.Train., 2008, 43:S61.Froiland K., Koszewski W., Hingst J., Kopecky L. Nutritional supplement use among college athletes and their sources of information. Int. J. Sport Nutr.Exerc. Metab., 2004, 14:104–120.Gleeson M., Nieman D.C., Pedersen B.K. Exercise, nutrition and immune function. J. Sports Sci. 2004, 22: 115-125Goldstein E.R., Ziegenfuss T., Kalman D. et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2010, 7:5.Goulet E.D., Rousseau S.F., Lamboley C.R. et al. Pre-exercise hyperhydration delays dehydration and improves endurance capacity during 2 h of cycling in a temperate climate. J.Physiol.Anthropol., 2008, 27(5): 263-271.Graham T.E., Hibbert E., Sathasivam P. Metabolic and exercise endurance effects of coffee and caffeine ingestion. J. Appl. Physiol., 1998, 85:883–889.Green J.M. Gender Differences in sweat lactate. Catalogue de documents pour le cherchuer, 2000, 82 (3): 230-235.Greenleaf J.E. Problem: thirst, drinking behavior, and involuntary dehydration. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 1992, 24: 645-656.Hazelhurst L.T. Gender differences in the sweat response during spinning exercise. J. Strength Cond. Res., 2006, 20(3): 723-724.Hoffman J.R. Caffeine and Energy Drinks. Strength Cond. J., 2010, 32:15–20.Hoffman J.R., Faigenbaum A.D., Ratamess N.A. et al. Nutritional supplementation and anabolic steroid use in adolescents. Med Sci. Sports Exerc., 2008, 40:15–24.Hoffman J.R., Stavsky H., Falk B. The effect of water restriction on anaerobic power and vertical jumping height in basketball players. Int. J. Sports Med. 1995, 16:214-218.Hoffman J.R., Ratamess N.A., Kang J. et al. Examination of the efficacy of acute L-alanyl-L-glutamine ingestion during hydration stress in endurance exercise. J.Intern.Soc.Sports Nutrition. 2010, 7:8-20.Hoffman J.R., Ratamess N.A., Kang J. et al. Acute L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine ingestion during short duration, high intensity exercise and a mild hydration stress. Kinesiology, 2011, 43(2):125-136.Hoffman J.R., Williams D.R., Emerson N.S. et al. L-alanyl-L-glutamine ingestion maintains performance during a competitive basketball game. J.Intern.Soc.Sports Nutrition. 2012, 9:4 Hoffman M.D., Fogard K. Factors related to successful completion of a 161-km ultramarathon. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform. 2011, 6:25–37.Hue O., Monjo R., Lazzaro M. et al. The effect of time of day on cold water ingestion by high-level swimmers in a tropical climate. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2013, 8, 442–451.Ihsan M., Landers G., Brearley M., Peeling P. Beneficial effects of ice ingestion as a precooling strategy on 40-km cycling time-trial performance. Intern.J. Sports Physiol. Perform., 2010, 5,140–151.Jeukendrup A., Brouns F., Wagenmakers A.J., Saris W.H. Carbohydrate-electrolyte feedings improve 1 h time trial cycling performance. Int. J. Sports Med., 1997, 18:125–129.Jeukendrup A.E., Jentjens R. Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Med., 2000, 29:407–424.Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrate intake during exercise and performance. Nutrition, 2004, 20:669–677.Jeukendrup A.E. Carbohydrate and exercise performance: the role of multiple transportable carbohydrates. Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr. Metab. Care, 2010, 13(4): 452-457.Kerksick C., Harvey T., Stout J. et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2008, 5:17.Khorshidi-Hosseini M., Nakhostin-Roohi В. Effect of Glutamine and Maltodextrin Acute Supplementation on Anaerobic Power. Asian J.Sports Medicine, 2013, 4 (2): 131-136Kovacs E.M., Stegen J., Brouns F. Effect of caffeinated drinks on substrate metabolism, caffeine excretion, and performance. J. Appl. Physiol., 1998, 85:709–715.Kreider R.B., Wilborn C.D., Taylor L. et al. ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 2010, 7:7.Kuberski T., Roberts A., Linehan B., Bryden R.N., Teburae M. Coconut water as a rehydration fluid. N. Z. Med. J., 1979, 90(641):98-100.Lane S.C., Bird S.R., Burke L.M., Hawley J.A. Effect of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on simulated cycling time-trial performance commenced in a fed or fasted state. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 2013, 38:134-139.Lili L., Kunz R. Revolutionary Carbohydrate Gives Endurance Athletes a Competitive Advantage. 1st Endurance, 2014. Machado-Moreira Ch.A., Vimieiro-Gomes A.C. et al. Exercise fluid replacement: is thirst enough? Rev.Bras.Med.Esporte, 2006,12,6.Mantena S.K., Badduri S.R., Siripurapu K.B., Unnikrishnan M.K. In vitro evaluation of antioxidant properties of Cocos nucifera Linn. water. Nahrung, 2003, 47(2):126-131.Maughan R.J., Leiper J.B. Post-exercise rehydration in man: effects of voluntary intake of four different beverages. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 1993, 25:34-35.Maughan R.J., Leiper J.B. Limitations to fluid replacement during exercise. Can. J. Appl. Physiol., 1999, 24:173–187.Maughan R.J. et al. Fluid and Electrolyte Intake and Loss in Elite Soccer Players During Training. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab., 2004, 14(3): 333-346.Maughan R.J. et al. A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index. Amer.J.Clin.Nutr., 2015,103:717–723.Maurer J. Sports Beverages. American Dietetic Association. 2005.McGregor S.J., Nicholas C.W., Lakomy H.W., Williams C. The influence of intermittent high-intensity shuttle running and fluid ingestion on the performance of a football skill. J.Sports Sci., 1999, 17(11): 895-903.McLellan T.M., Bell D.G. The impact of prior coffee consumption on the subsequent ergogenic effect of anhydrous caffeine. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc.Metab., 2004, 14:698–708.Mears S. A., Shirreffs S. M. Voluntary water intake during and following moderate exercise in the cold. Intern. J. Sport Nutr. Exer. Metab., 2014, 24(1), 47-58.Miller K.C. et al. 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