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Исследования эффектов креатина

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| ++++ || Выходная мощность || ↑↑↑ Сильный || Очень высокая (64 исследования, см. [[Исследования о влиянии креатина на мощность]]) || Креатин увеличивает мощность, в одном мета-анализе мощность увеличилась на 12%, сила на 20%
| ++++ || Вес || ↑↑↑ Сильный || Очень высокая (28 27 исследований, подробнее: [[влияние креатина на вес тела]]) || Увеличение веса из-за задержки воды. Степень увеличения перемена
| ++++ || Креатинин || ↑↑ значительный || Умеренная<ref name="Shefner">Shefner JM, Cudkowicz ME, Schoenfeld D, Conrad T, Taft J, Chilton M, Urbinelli L, Qureshi M, Zhang H, Pestronk A, Caress J, Donofrio P, Sorenson E, Bradley W, Lomen-Hoerth C, Pioro E, Rezania K, Ross M, Pascuzzi R, Heiman-Patterson T, Tandan R, Mitsumoto H, Rothstein J, Smith-Palmer T, MacDonald D, Burke D; NEALS Consortium. A clinical trial of creatine in ALS. Neurology. 2004 Nov 9;63(9):1656-61. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15534251</ref><ref name="Mendes">Mendes RR, Pires I, Oliveira A, Tirapegui J. Effects of creatine supplementation on the performance and body composition of competitive swimmers. J Nutr Biochem. 2004 Aug;15(8):473-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15302082</ref><ref name="Volek">Volek JS, Mazzetti SA, Farquhar WB, Barnes BR, Gómez AL, Kraemer WJ. Physiological responses to short-term exercise in the heat after creatine loading. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001 Jul;33(7):1101-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11445756</ref><ref name="Manjarrez">Manjarrez-Montes de Oca R, Farfán-González F, Camarillo-Romero S, Tlatempa-Sotelo P, Francisco-Argüelles C, Kormanowski A, González-Gallego J, Alvear-Ordenes I. Effects of creatine supplementation in taekwondo practitioners. Nutr Hosp. 2013 Mar-Apr;28(2):391-9. doi: 10.3305/nh.2013.28.2.6314. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23822690</ref><ref name="Tarnopolsky" /><ref name="Earnest">Earnest CP, Almada AL, Mitchell TL. High-performance capillary electrophoresis-pure creatine monohydrate reduces blood lipids in men and women. Clin Sci (Lond). 1996 Jul;91(1):113-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8774269</ref><ref>Tarnopolsky MA, Mahoney DJ, Vajsar J, Rodriguez C, Doherty TJ, Roy BD, Biggar D. Creatine monohydrate enhances strength and body composition in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neurology. 2004 May 25;62(10):1771-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15159476</ref><ref>Dabidi Roshan V, Babaei H, Hosseinzadeh M, Arendt-Nielsen L. The effect of creatine supplementation on muscle fatigue and physiological indices following intermittent swimming bouts. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2013 Jun;53(3):232-9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23715246</ref><ref>Mayhew DL, Mayhew JL, Ware JS. Effects of long-term creatine supplementation on liver and kidney functions in American college football players. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2002 Dec;12(4):453-60. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12500988</ref><ref>Kornblum C, Schröder R, Müller K, Vorgerd M, Eggers J, Bogdanow M, Papassotiropoulos A, Fabian K, Klockgether T, Zange J. Creatine has no beneficial effect on skeletal muscle energy metabolism in patients with single mitochondrial DNA deletions: a placebo-controlled, double-blind 31P-MRS crossover study. Eur J Neurol. 2005 Apr;12(4):300-9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15804248</ref><ref>Schilling BK, Stone MH, Utter A, Kearney JT, Johnson M, Coglianese R, Smith L, O'Bryant HS, Fry AC, Starks M, Keith R, Stone ME. Creatine supplementation and health variables: a retrospective study. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001 Feb;33(2):183-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11224803</ref><ref>Deminice R, Rosa FT, Franco GS, Jordao AA, de Freitas EC. Effects of creatine supplementation on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers after repeated-sprint exercise in humans. Nutrition. 2013 Sep;29(9):1127-32. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2013.03.003. Epub 2013 Jun 22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23800565</ref> || Креатин обычно повышает уровень креатинина в сыворотке крови во время фазы нагрузки. Это не является признаком повреждения почек.

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