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Редактирование: Шаблон:Progress bar

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
<includeonly><div title="{{{title|{{{progression|}}}"
{{Progress bar
| progression-text = низкий
| progression = 64%
| bar-background = #ff7f4f
| box-width = 98%
| text-size = 89%
== Examples ==
'''Simple progress bar, using the first method:'''
<pre>{{Progress bar
| progression = 52.4%
| desc = explored
{{Progress bar
| progression = 52.4%
| desc = explored
'''Styled progress bar, using the second method:'''
<pre>{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = [[People Know Me]] (2)
| box-width = 15em
| box-border = 1px dotted black
| bar-background = #99CC66
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = [[People Know Me]] (2)
| box-width = 15em
| box-border = 1px dotted black
| bar-background = #99CC66
| text-size = 8pt
'''A few combinations of both calculation methods and the <code>desc</code>, <code>progression-text</code> and <code>title</code> parameters:'''
<pre>{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| desc = maxed titles
| title = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| desc = maxed titles
| title = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
<pre>{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
<pre>{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| title = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| title = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
<pre>{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| min = 10
| max = 15
| current = 13
| mode = value
| desc = maxed titles
| progression-text = People Know Me (2)
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
<pre>{{Progress bar
| progression = 14.7%
| desc = explored
| progression-text = exploration
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| progression = 14.7%
| desc = explored
| progression-text = exploration
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
<pre>{{Progress bar
| progression = 14.7%
| desc = explored
| title = exploration
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
{{Progress bar
| progression = 14.7%
| desc = explored
| title = exploration
| box-width = 15em
| text-size = 8pt
== Parameters ==
Here is the list of accepted parameters and their effect on the progress bar. There are two ways of indicating the value (percentage) represented by the bar. The first method uses the <code>progression</code> parameter, while the second uses the <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> and <code>current</code> parameters. Whatever method you use, you can use the <code>progression-text</code> parameter to display any text on the bar, or use the <code>desc</code> parameter which writes down the percentage represented by the bar before the text contained in this parameter. See examples below.
; progression
: Indicates the percentage represented by the progression bar.
:* ex: <code>74.2%</code>
:* default value: <code>0%</code>
; min
: Indicates the value of the lower bound of the range represented by this bar.
:* ex: <code>10</code>
:* default value: <code>0</code>
:* note: if the <code>progression</code> parameter is used, the <code>min</code> parameter is discarded.
; max
: Indicates the value of the upper bound of the range represented by this bar.
:* ex: <code>15</code>
:* default value: <code>100</code>
:* note: if the <code>progression</code> parameter is used, the <code>max</code> parameter is discarded.
; current
: Indicates the value of the position into the range represented by this bar. This number must be contained between <code>min</code> and <code>max</code>.
:* ex: <code>13</code>
:* default value: <code>0</code>
:* note: if the <code>progression</code> parameter is used, the <code>current</code> parameter is discarded.
; progression-text
: Indicates the text written on the progression bar. If not specified, the text is determined automatically. See explanations below.
:* ex: <code>People know me</code>
:* default value: <code>0%</code>
; title
: Indicates the text displayed in the tooltip. If not specified, the text is determined automatically. See explanations below.
:* ex: <code>People know me</code>
:* default value: <code>0%</code>
; mode
: Indicates which of the percentage or the current value is to be displayed on the bar and the tooltip. Used only if the second method is used.
:* specify <code>mode=value</code> to make the text display the value of the <code>current</code> parameter instead of the calculated percentage
:* to get the default behavior, simply don't use this parameter
; desc
: Indicates the text to be displayed on the bar behind the actual percentage represented by the bar.
:* ex: <code>explored</code>
:* default value: none
:* note: the <code>desc</code> parameter is overridden by the <code>progression-text</code> and the <code>title</code> parameters respectively.
; bar-background
: Color used as the background of the progression bar.
:* ex: <code>red</code> or <code>#328A9C</code>
:* default value: <code>#AAAAFF</code>
; box-background
: Color used as the background of the block in which the bar is located.
:* ex: <code>red</code> or <code>#328A9C</code>
:* default value: <code>white</code>
; box-border
: Style of the border of the block in which the bar is located.
:* ex: <code>2px dotted red</code>
:* default value: <code>1px solid black</code>
; box-margin
: Indicates how far the block in which the bar is located must be from the text around it.
:* ex: <code>5px</code>
:* default value: <code>1px</code>
; box-padding
: Indicates the width of the space between the progression bar and the border of the block around it.
:* ex: <code>0</code>
:* default value: <code>1px</code>
; box-width
: Indicates the width of the block in which the bar is located.
:* ex: <code>15em</code>
:* default value: <code>100%</code>
; text-color
: Color of the text written in the center of the bar.
:* default value: <code>black</code>
; text-size
: Size of the text written in the center of the bar.
:* default value: <code>small</code>
; text-weight
: Weight of the text written in the center of the bar.
:* default value: <code>bold</code>
; box-style
: Any additional values inside the style="" attribute for the box. Values here overwrite default values.
; bar-style
: Any additional values inside the style="" attribute for the bar. Values here overwrite default values.
</noinclude><includeonly><div title="{{{title|{{{progression|<!--
      -->{{#ifexpr:({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;=0) and ({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;0)|<!--
        -->{{#expr:(({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}})/({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}))*100 round 1}}%|0%}}}}}}} {{{desc|}}}}}}"
                         style="background: {{{box-background|}}};
                         style="background: {{{box-background|}}};
                                 border: {{{box-border|1px solid black}}};
                                 border: {{{box-border|0px solid black}}};
                                 margin: {{{box-margin|1px}}};
                                 margin: {{{box-margin|1px}}};
                                 padding: {{{box-padding|1px}}};
                                 padding: {{{box-padding|1px}}};
                                 width: {{{box-width|100%}}};
                                 width: {{{box-width|100%}}};
                                 color: {{{text-color|black}}};
                                 color: {{{text-color|black}}};
                                 text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px white;
                                 text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white;
                                 font-size: {{{text-size|small}}};
                                 font-size: {{{text-size|small}}};
                                 font-weight: {{{text-weight|bold}}};
                                 font-weight: {{{text-weight|bold}}};
Строка 284: Строка 23:
                                 -ms-linear-gradient(top, #4b4b4b 0%, #919191 45%, #aeaeae 50%, #939393 55%, #aaaaaa 100%);
                                 -ms-linear-gradient(top, #4b4b4b 0%, #919191 45%, #aeaeae 50%, #939393 55%, #aaaaaa 100%);
                                 linear-gradient(to bottom, #4b4b4b 0%, #919191 45%, #aeaeae 50%, #939393 55%, #aaaaaa 100%);
                                 linear-gradient(to bottom, #4b4b4b 0%, #919191 45%, #aeaeae 50%, #939393 55%, #aaaaaa 100%);
                                 border-radius: 3px;
                                 border-radius: 5px;
                                 -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
                                 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
                                 -moz-border-radius: 3px;
                                 -moz-border-radius: 5px;
                                 text-align: center;"><!--
                                 text-align: center;"><!--
                 -->{{{progression-text|{{{progression|}}}}}} </div><!--
                    -->{{#ifexpr:({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;=0) and ({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;0)|<!--
                      -->{{#expr:(({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}})/({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}))*100 round 1}}%|0%}}}}}}} <!--
                 --><div style="margin: 0;
                 --><div style="margin: 0;
                                 padding: 0;
                                 padding: 0;
                                 width: {{{progression|<!--
                                 width: {{{progression|}}};
                                  -->{{#ifexpr:({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;=0) and ({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}&gt;0)|<!--
                                 background: {{{bar-background|transparent}}};
                                  -->{{#expr:(({{{current|0}}}-{{{min|0}}})/({{{max|100}}}-{{{min|0}}}))*100 round 1}}%|0%}}}}};
                                 border-radius: 5px;
                                 background: {{{bar-background|#AAAAFF}}};
                                 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
                                 border-radius: 3px;
                                 -moz-border-radius: 5px;
                                 -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
                                 -moz-border-radius: 3px;
                                 height: 1.25em;
                                 height: 1.25em;

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