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Гуггулстероны (Guggul)

723 байта убрано, 8 лет назад
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== Использованная литература ==
# Brobst DE, Ding X, Creech KL, Goodwin B, Kelley B, Staudinger JL. "Guggulsterone activates multiple nuclear receptors and induces CYP3A gene expression through the pregnane X receptor." The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2004 310(2):528-35.
# Singh SV, Choi S, Zeng Y, Hahm ER, Xiao D. "Guggulsterone-induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells is caused by reactive oxygen intermediate dependent activation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase." Cancer Research 2007 1;67(15):7439-49.
# Nohr LA, Rasmussen LB, Straand J. "Resin from the mukul myrrh tree, guggul, can it be used for treating hypercholesterolemia? A randomized, controlled study." Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2009 Jan;17(1):16-22.<br><br>

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