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SuperPump 250 (Gaspari Nutrition)

1293 байта добавлено, 10 лет назад
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Тренировочные дни: Принимать 2-3 ложки SuperPump 250 с 200-300мл воды за 30-45 минут перед тренировкой, желательно на пустой желудок. Для лучших результатов избегайте приема протеина за 45-60 минут перед приемом SuperPump 250. Не превышать 3-х ложек.
Дни отдыха: Принимать 1 ложку с 150-300мл воды.
== Отзывы ==
*Энергия (ЧСС)
*Красители (кал) вкус технический
No, it's the opposite. Gaspari makes no attempt to mimic jack3d or other concentrated PWO's. Instead it criticizes concentrated PWO's and calls them "underdosed" and "full of stimulants that make you feel high" instead of ingredients that work. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is but my understanding is that it just contains more of the important ingredients like citrulline malate, improved flavor, etc
2g of citruline per scoop (most users get 3-4g of citruline every time they use the product since most go above one scoop)
the use of oxytropic falcate as a cognitive enhancer... i feel like this is what is the most important aspect that sets MAX apart from 250
2g of leucine per scoop, and means when stacking with sizeon max performance you are getting a huge amount of BCAAs pre and intra
improved flavoring profile (thicker flavor, IMO), great mixability (considering the use of BCAAs it mixes extremely well), and an overall synergistic formula that doesnt rely on a boatload of caffeine to get ya going
Not to mention a [seemingly] larger dose of glycerophosphates and the addition of sustamine, LOLA, LCLT, coenzymated B vit's, etc.

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